SUPER Solvers To The Rescue!! Word Problem Intervention

Word problems. Just reading those words may paint a picture in your head. One of a teacher, pulling her hair out, trying to get her kids to figure out whether to add or subtract, which numbers to use, what information is not needed, ahhhhh!!! They can be a nightmare for some of our kids!!
They are one of the most difficult concepts for a student to master in mathematics.  Why? Because our children need to combine their ability to compute, read and decode text, comprehend, critically and systematically think about a process, carry out the process, and of course, problem solve. 
Whew! That’s a lot for little ones.
This year, I knew my kids needed something to help them improve with word problems.
I created this pack to help my students become word problem solvers who not only solved the problem, but really thought about the scenario of the problem and visualized what was happening in the story. 
It’s all about comprehension, friends! This pack takes your students through a step-by-step process to help them READ, THINK, DISCUSS, VISUALIZE, and WRITE about the word problem.  It is highly visual, highly engaging, and oh so much fun!! 
The acronym SUPER is used to help students go through the SUPERhero steps of solving a word problem:
Visual Posters are included to help your students understand HOW to visualize their thinking and how to SHOW their pictorial representation. 
TONS and TONS of practice pages are included in the set with a custom visual system that will “walk” your students through the SUPER steps of solving the word problem.  This creates a highly independent student!  My students can now go through all of the steps mentally and even teach the class how to solve a word problem with the SUPER steps!
A key component of this practice is the students’ ability to WRITE the answer to their word problem in a complete sentence. This helps the student understand exactly what was discovered through the word problem.
No More Meaningless Numbers Allowed! 🙂
It’s time to stop letting our kids rely on key words within the word problem. 
Key words are a crutch.
Comprehension is the cure!

This pack is NOT seasonal, meaning you can use these word problem practice pages at any time of the school year!  The word problems in this pack have sums to 20 and a double digit addition and subtraction section has also been included (without regrouping). 
Students strategically learn how to show their work for many different types of word problems. They use visual example posters as a reference within the classroom.  As we worked through problems, the students had to explain which type of word problem it was and WHY by telling me what clues from the text helped them figure it out. 
Today, my students were using explanations such as:
“I know I need to add in this story because the question said, “How many more does Ted have than Bill?” and I know when I hear the word than it can mean to compare.”
“I know I will add in this story because there are two groups and I am putting the groups together to make a bigger answer.”
Ahh….music to my ears. 🙂
Guess what?! It’s EDITABLE! I believe that word problems provide us with the optimal opportunity to differentiate math instruction to our students. This week, I wrote a word problem for each student in my classroom! It was so much fun for them to have their own unique story! For example, one of my top math kiddos LOVES Spiderman, so of course I wrote a very challenging word problem with Spiderman as the focus point. 🙂
Let me just tell you…this little boy was in MATH HEAVEN
Wow your students, parents, and administrators by having the ability to write differentiated word problems that are tailored to your students’ needs. (But only if you wish. Over 200 Practice Problems are also included in the pack. They are ready-to-go. Just print and practice!)

Self-Reflection and Student-Led Activity at it’s finest!
My students love scanning QR codes after they work through their word problem as a way to check their work and have FUN with technology! Directions and suggestions are included.
It’s not enough for my students to correctly solve a problem. If you know me at all, you know they have to WRITE about it!  What a great, additional way to practice writing complete sentences with proper conventions, right?! 🙂

 Glue the journal entries into a notebook and get your kids critically thinking about mathematics with questions about mathematical operations and even asking the student to not solve but explain HOW they would teach someone to solve a word problem. 🙂
As shown below, your students will walk through a strategic series of steps that will BOOST comprehension of word problems and encourage the kids to slow down, read the story not just once but twice, and how to clearly depict the scenario with pictures. 

Adorable Word Problem SUPERhero Solver certificates are included when you decide that your students have shown great progress! EDITABLE templates of these certificates are also available in the download. 🙂

My kids have made awesome growth in word problems with these series of SUPER steps and the practice pack.  I am so, so happy and proud of them! If you would like to “Try Before You Buy,” I have placed THREE FREE practice pages in the Preview Download on Teachers Pay Teachers. Click HERE or click the picture below to head to my store and check it out!  It will only be on sale for another 24 hours! 🙂  

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