Classroom Decor DIY Projects

5 DIY classroom decor and classroom organization projectsI’ve teamed up with the amazing staff at Michael’s Craft Stores to make some adorable classroom decor items for back to school!  I had a lot of fun creating these fun and colorful projects for my classroom!  In this post, I’ll share five really easy projects that you can create and customize for your classroom decor this year.

Project One: Small Group READ Sign

I have this awkward space above my small group reading table, so I picked up these large wooden letters for 99 cents each at Michaels! 99 cents?! Yes, please! I also grabbed foam brushes and lots of fun acrylic paint! (This post contains some Amazon affiliate links. This just means my blog receives a small compensation if you purchase using these links, but don’t worry- there is absolutely no extra cost to you!) 
The paint completely transformed these wooden letters into the cutest wall decor for my small group area!
I love the color that the READ sign brings to the small group area. It transformed this little corner and made it cozier!

Project Two: Mason Jar Desk Storage

For this next project, I found these beautiful colored glass jars at Michaels. I also picked up a chalkboard marker, some pretty ribbon, and chalkboard labels that I found here.
I’m ready for grading, notes, and homework!
Don’t these jars look sweet on my teacher desk? I love the little detail the ribbon gave them.

Project Three: Bright & Pretty Subway Art

I grabbed a pack of 8×8 basic black picture frames for my next project.
I love inspirational quotes, so I whipped up these 8×8 subway art posters for the picture frames. I printed mine on colored card-stock, inserted them into the frames, and then hung them up with pretty glitter ribbon!
You can grab these 8×8 posters for FREE in my TpT store by clicking HERE or clicking on the picture below.  I’ve included colored versions of the three posters and black & white versions in case you want to use colored card-stock like I did!

Project Four: Picture Frame Dry Erase To-Do List

My picture frames came in a pack of four, so I used the leftover frame to create this dry erase board for my desk.  I picked up a piece of pretty purple (and glittery, of course) scrapbook paper and cut it into an 8×8 square.  Now, I can write directly on the glass with a dry erase marker and wipe clean when I need to start over!
It works perfectly next to my classroom phone in case I need to quickly jot down a message that comes in during the school day.

Project Five:  Ribbon Door Curtain

Michael’s stores always have the prettiest ribbon for teachers to choose from. I picked up the following five colors, which are the main colors I use in my classroom decor.  The only materials I used for this project were ribbon and a tension curtain rod!

 I tied the ribbon around the tension rod, varying the colors and textures of the ribbon.
After the ribbon was tied onto the tension rod, I cut the ribbon so that it was even on the ends. Here is a picture of the “curtain” that is hanging above my classroom door!  It adds some sweet and colorful detail to the entrance of our room!
Here is another picture of what it looks like before you enter our classroom door!
Thank you so much for letting me share all of my DIY projects with you.  With a little bit of creativity, y0u can add a colorful special touch to your own room, too. Feel free to pin the image below to share these classroom decor ideas with your colleagues. Thank you for stopping by!
5 DIY classroom decor and classroom organization projects


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  1. Very cute! We had our teacher appreciation night at Michael's last night and I won the $25 gift card that they were giving away :). I just might have to check out the letters prohect to see if I am crafty enough to pull it off.

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