March Currently & Seuss Display!

I’ve linked up with Farley from Oh’ Boy 4th Grade for her famous Currently Linky. Here goes!

Listening – I love listening to Pandora before school and during my planning.  It’s relaxing and there’s (usually) a bit of quiet time before that bell rings each morning that I can reflect and thank Him for all of the blessings I have in my life! 
Loving – I’m loving having a weekend again.  Last Friday I asked my husband what he wanted to do that night.  We both kind of looked at each other…not remembering the last time we had a free Friday night.  We both ended up falling asleep on the couch…with the 11 o’clock news on in the background.  Extra sleep?  Yes, please!!
Thinking- I’m addicted to House Hunters, Property Brothers, Love it or List It, My First House, and my new fav – Hawaii Life.  I have no idea why.  We’re not ready to buy a house – or even look for one.  I just can’t tear myself away from HGTV.  Did you all sign up to win the Dream Home last month?!  I entered every day. I’m just waiting on the call for them to tell me I won.  It’ll be any day now…I’ve already started packing…
Wanting-  This needs no explanation.  I live in Ohio. 
Needing- Have you been to the mall lately? Loving the new spring clothes! Florals, pastels, and bright colors! Love 🙂
Like, Love, Hate- 1) Starbucks has the best Chai Tea Lattes 2) I can’t stop playing the Candy Crush game on my iPhone.  I’m not a “download games on my phone” type but I played this on the bus to our game the other day and I.Can’t.Stop.Playing. Haha!  3) I HATE clutter.  If you’ve ever seen my room or my desk, this is (hopefully) obvious.  I don’t like anything on my desk but the essentials and my lesson plan book.  I train my kids to put their book bins in their cubbies facing a certain way, and I’d rather throw things away and buy it again next year than try to clutter my room by storing it somewhere.  I should also stop giving examples because I’m sounding a bit OCD…  🙂
Link up with Farley by clicking {HERE}!
I’m going to end tonight’s post by showing you pictures of my Dr. Seuss display that is outside of my room right now.  We had lots of fun reading Dr. Seuss books last week.  We read quite a few, including “Oh the Places You’ll Go.”  After we discussed Dr. Seuss’ message and the lesson he wanted us to learn from his book, we wrote about what we would like to be when we grew up on suitcases.  Take a look! 🙂

If you weren’t a teacher, what else would you like to be?  Post your comments below! 🙂

Happy Learning,

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  1. I love Pandora 🙂 I'm listening to it right now– the Imagine Dragons station! I agree with wanting warmer weather! I live in Ohio, too, and feel your pain! Your Dr. Seuss display is too cute! If I could do something other than teach, I would be a world traveler! Or a rock star 🙂

    EduKate and Inspire

  2. So you're definitely the second person in a row who has put the candy crush app on their currently, I must no doubt go download now!! haha… I too am wanting warmer weather…. warmer weather that will stay for more than a day or two at a time!! 🙂

  3. I've love to own a baby clothing boutique…….. or just be a stay at home mom! 🙂 I enjoy Starbuck's chai tea lattes too. If you buy the Tazo Chai Tea concentrate and mix it with milk, it's exactly the same for a treat at home.

  4. I was totally cracking up reading your post! I am a total HGTV addict. I entered the Dream Home sweepstakes too! I tried every day but I forgot several times so you have a way better chance of winning:) Congrats on retiring as a cheerleading coach! Enjoy your time with the hubby before kids;)

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