“Thank You” 100 Times!

It’s very hard to describe the energy that has been running through my classroom over the past few weeks. I’m excited, grateful, motivated, inspired, and a bit overwhelmed – in a good way. 🙂

The biggest emotion I’ve been feeling is *blessed.*   – Thanks to YOU!
When I sold my first TpT product just under 14 months ago, I was in awe that another teacher – a stranger – would be using something I made with their students.  It is still so exciting to think about.  TpT has been a huge blessing to my family and it has been a life changing journey that I do not take for granted.   I started blogging and selling on TpT because I wanted it to benefit my students and my teaching. I’m forever thankful – from the bottom of my heart – for all of the support and encouragement that you, my followers, have given me throughout this journey.
I believe in the power of giving back when we have been blessed within our lives. Because of your amazing support, I was able to purchase six Google Nexus 7 tablets for my classroom.  These tablets work just like mini iPads, except they are Android-based.  They’re so fun! 
Having these six tablets in my classroom has opened up so many doors of opportunities for my students.  I work in a wonderful school that has a large population of economically disadvantaged students.  These students do not have the access to home computers, tablets, smart phones, or other technology that so many other kids take for granted on a daily basis.  In a time when standardized tests will be given solely on the computers, and students are required to type a writing piece,  I am hoping that I can give my students the edge and advantage they need to further their reading, math, and writing success. 
And WOW, is it working! In just a few weeks, I’ve taught my kids how to scan QR codes, email me their Word Work during Daily 5, and use some great math apps during our small group math time.
Last week, I put the kids into groups of 4-5 students.  I placed QR codes all around the room that I had linked to posters I created about the differences between cats and dogs. I told students they would be researching about these two pets and would later have to form an opinion: Is a cat or a dog a better pet?  They took notes on what they read as they moved from QR code to QR code, scanning and researching. They were begging me to get more QR codes so they could read more information!

The next day, they used their notes to write opinion pieces.  We used All Student’s Can Shine’s It’s Raining Cats and Dog craftivity for our opinion pieces.   (I will be sharing the QR codes with you and the details to our opinion writing project soon!)

My class has a subscription to Raz-Kids (read more about it here) so we use this program to open up a huge leveled library for my guided reading lessons on the Nexus 7 Tablets. I’m able to pass out the tablets, tell students to click on Level J, for example, and have them click on the digital A-Z Reading book that we will be reading and working on during our guided reading group.  It’s like having a virtual book room right in my own classroom. 

This week, I introduced a few more reading apps and let the students use the tablets around the room for Read to Self and Read to Someone during Daily 5.  

I can’t wait to work on some more writing projects and different activities we can use our tablets with.  I know there are immense possibilities on how to use them and I will definitely be working over the summer on different ways to implement these into our everyday learning. 
We are thrilled, thankful, and technology-happy in Room 108! Thank you again for all of your support of Sugar and Spice! 

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  1. You rock…I loved reading about how you opened the door to technology for your students in that way!

    tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

  2. I have 7 iPads! It makes a huge difference in my classroom. However, we don't have wifi but they said this summer we will! I can't wait to do the QR codes and have them email me their work. What great skills!

  3. Oh my gosh! What an amazing person you are! How incredible for you to give back and it sounds like your kids are truly enjoying your fabulous gift! I can attest that your units are truly amazing. Thank you for being one of the kind, thoughtful and truly talented teachers out there! <3

  4. how wonderful that you used your earnings to give back to your kids! We use iPads that our school was lucky enough to have available for us, but I never thought of having my kids email me their center work. I am definitely going to try that!!! 🙂 thanks!


  5. WE are getting some IPADs for our school next year. Only one class set for the whole school,but it's something! I LOVE your ideas! I have so much to learn!

  6. I love all the neat ways you are incorporating the tablets into your kiddos' daily learning! I think it is so great to see teachers who choose to use their earnings from TpT to invest in other products to enhance their students learning. I applaud you!


  7. What a sweet post and great giveaway! Tablets have the ability to do amazing things in a classroom and I am thrilled to see they have made such a positive impact :)! Love your TPT story as I've been thinking about starting a store for a long time just haven't gotten there yet! QR Codes are one of my favorite things and I have been obsessed for about two years now!
    Sent From My iPad

  8. I loved reading this post, but am a little out of the loop on QR codes. How do you make/get them to provide info that the kids will read in class?
    Is this an app you need to buy?
    I have only heard of using QR to get information from merchants, etc.

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