Wordless Wednesday September 23rd – My Goal Sheet

Yesterday after school I joined a new gym.
I have to fill out the goal sheet above.   “Goal sheet?!” I said to the lady at the desk. My first goal is to GO to the gym.  My second goal is to remember the code number she gave me to get IN to the gym. My third goal is not to get lost while I’m there. 
So those are my fitness goals for next week. 😉
Do you have a current fitness goal? 
Leave a comment below or link up with us! 

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  1. Yay for you! You made an awesome choice 🙂
    I appreciate that the health & wellness center is having you set goals and digging deep on what's important – that's a really good sign of a quality trainer! Can't wait to hear about your progress!
    Thanks for the link-up, Jen

  2. I'm right there with you!! My first goal would be to get to a gym! I had a gym membership before children, but haven't had one since because I know I would never go. I would find excuse after excuse. I'm hoping if things ever calm down, or when my kids get older, that I will be able to get back into a gym.

    Mrs. 3rd Grade 

  3. My goal is to use the elliptical that's in the middle of my living room for at least 25 minutes 5 times per week. That's not a wildly ambitious goal, but it's a lot better than doing a whole lot of couch-potatoing. I made that word up. 🙂
    Laughter and Consistency

  4. Congrats on joining a new gym! On my way to work this morning (at 7 am) I walked by a gym and there was a yoga class in full swing. Then I went and bought a doughnut. So you're off to a better start to a routine than I am, LOL!
    One Lucky Teacher

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