Monday Made It: Flower-Hanging-Basket Experts, a Giveaway, and Martha Stewart

Yay for summer!!  This past week was my first full week of summer…and boy was it a busy one! I have yet to get to the “relaxing” part of summer.  (People tell me it’s an awesome feeling though!) 
 I’ve linked up with 4th Grade Frolics for her Monday Made It linky to show you some of the things I’ve completed, survived, and made this past week!

My first big project this week was to make centerpieces for my cousin’s high school graduation party.  I’m SO proud of my little cousin! He is such a smart, smart, smart kid! He will be going to OSU for computer engineering in August. Here are the centerpieces I made and how I made them!
I started by purchasing medium sized tin buckets. I hot glued ribbon around the buckets using colors from his high school.
I added sand in the bottom to weigh them down.  
Then I used my Cricut machine (Yes! I finally OPENED the box after having it in my closet for over a year.  Aren’t you proud?!).  I cut out various pictures and lettering and hot glued them to dowel rods that I stuck into the sand. 

Here are some close ups!

Just call me Martha Stewart.
In a couple of weeks, I’m running a professional development day for a local school district. I love working with this school.  I met them earlier this year and did some PD for them on small group literacy. They are just the sweetest teachers! I can’t wait to spend the day with them again.  This time, I’m helping them with their curriculum mapping for ELA.  I spent a couple mornings this week prepping some materials for them.  Whew! Glad that item on the to-do list is done! 🙂
I am finally getting some time to decorate our house a bit. We moved into our new house in October of this past school year.  We’ve painted the house but I haven’t really had time to decorate and add those special touches that make a house a home! 
I made this little piece for our coffee table by adding sand, seashells, and driftwood. My house has coastal colors in it. It’s calming, tranquil, and casual – polar opposite of my classroom decor!

I also planted some flowers with Weston this week! I’m not very good at keeping plants alive and I’m not talented at gardening or yard work.  I was even stressed just BEING in the greenhouse at Lowe’s.  My head started to spin while I stared at all of the flowers and kept thinking, “Do I get partial sun or full sun?” and “What colors should I get?” and “Can I go to Starbucks yet?!”
So I started staring at the hanging baskets. All the colors and types of flowers in the hanging baskets seemed to work together. There was probably a flower-hanging-basket-expert watching me from a hidden camera in the back of Lowe’s thinking, “This girl looks totally lost and I’m going to make some popcorn while I watch her try to pick out flowers.”
So I bought hanging baskets, took them home, emptied them out of the baskets, and planted them in my flower pots! 
NOW who’s the flower-hanging-basket-expert?!
My last “project” that I’m sharing with you is a giveaway! Or, I should say it is a SECRET giveaway!  If you follow me on TpT, you will receive a notice in your TpT inbox from me in a couple of days.  The notice will have a link to a secret rafflecopter location! You can enter to win a $25 TPT Gift Card! This giveaway will only be for my TpT followers because the rafflecopter location will only be released in the TPT inbox message that you receive from me! 
Follow the directions in the picture below and check your TpT inbox in the next couple of days! 🙂 You can head to my TpT store by clicking HERE.
Thanks for letting me share all of my Monday Made Its with you! Tomorrow I’m giving my first two teacher workshops of the summer! I am SO excited to get to share some new ideas and resources with local teachers! I’m also a little nervous because these are two sessions I have never presented before. Happy thoughts and wishes are welcomed! 🙂 

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  1. The graduation decorations are adorbs! So talented! LOVE your home décor! I have been doing that too because I neglect my house during school:( Boo for me! You crack me up with the planting!!! I LOVE gardening…it's my therapy:) Wish we lived closer, I would totally help you:) Thanks for linking up:)

    4th Grade Frolics

  2. Love the graduation center pieces! I pinned it so I can do that for when my next son graduates. The beach is one of my favorite places and the piece you made is beautiful! We are kindred spirits with the whole gardening thing. I usually end up killing everything…lol. Great idea to use the flowers from the hanging baskets.

    Luv My Kinders

  3. Your pots are beautiful, and your grad party centerpieces should be featured on Martha Stewart's show!

    Well done! Good luck on all of your PD presentations! You will be fabulous!


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    او من خلال الاتصال بالارقام التالية
    او يمكنك مراسلتنا عبر البريد الالكترونى

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