Compare and Contrast Freebie!

As you know from my post HERE, we have been comparing and contrasting like lil monsters lately! To put a new twist on our small group work, I added a Compare and Contrast Comprehension Pack to my store! It’s part of my Strategy Series and contains 20 compare and contrast passages with “text evidence” style to them!
My kids have been doing AWESOME with these and it has helped them read, comprehend, and identify similarities and differences on their own as they closely interact with the text.

Compare and Contrast Passages

You can find this new pack by clicking HERE.
compare and contrast reading passages
 Here’s a look at all of the features these passages contain. Students read the passage three times for fluency. Next, they use the coordinating colors for the strategy pack (For this pack, the colors are red and blue) to underline the similarities and differences between the two topics. Then, as one of my kiddos put it, “This is the REALLY SUPER FUN part of this!!” – The kids get to color the pictures according to the text evidence information they read in the passage! Talk about AWESOME test taking practice! It also gets students comfortable with the practice of rereading.
Like all of my passages, this pack contains a freebie passage for you to try out with your students! If you click HERE, you can download the Preview File and print out the following passage. These passages also make great activities for morning work, sub days, literacy centers, small group work, homework – and more!

More Compare and Contrast Lessons:

I hope you enjoy my newest addition to my Comprehension Strategy Series! You may also love my Compare and Contrast Construction Pack for an easy and engaging way to transform your classroom and teach compare and contrast skills! Find my Compare and Contrast Construction Unit here or click on the image below:
Compare and Contrast Construction Pack

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