Guest Blogger Tuesday! Featuring Brooke from Teachable Moments

Hi! My name is Brooke from Teachable Moments, guest blogging today!

Behaviour Management Alternative
Clip charts! They are all over Pinterest. And although they look cute, at my school we have something already in place which I wanted to share with you.

We follow 3 school rules – Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Fair. And so in that vein, for positive behaviour we give out bees.

At the beginning of the year, we discuss our rules and how we can follow these rules to be a great member of the class. We talk about behaviours that could be rewarded such as trying your best, beautiful manners, nice bookwork – you know the drill.

If you display a positive behaviour, you get a bee. My bees are just a bee printed on cardboard and cut up into little squares. They are kept in a big box near my bee chart. 

Some other teachers at my school laminate their bees and attach them to magnets or velcro but I am way more low maintenance than that! I give all the kids in my class a plain white envelope (just a small one) and let them decorate it however they please. I then write their name on it and mount it to a big piece of cardboard and attach it to the wall.

My 2012 Bee Chart for 2B – cute hey?

When students are given a bee, they just go and help themselves. They put their bee in their little pouch and come back to the activity that they were doing.

We decided that when they reached 10 bees that they should be rewarded so I have a lucky dip box. It has lots of little pencils, pens, sticky notes etc. I would like to look at this for next year though and do more a treasure box that gives “choices” rewards such as 10 minutes on the computer or sit at the teachers desk.
I know you are thinking that this system could cause some problems so I will just address some of them.
Does it disrupt the class? 
Not usually. My kids are pretty good and just going backwards and forwards quietly and I have put the chart in a place that is not too close to people working at tables.
Do kids ‘award’ themselves bees?
Surprisingly no! I think that you know as a teacher the kids who will be approaching you to say they have reached x amount of bees and need their reward.
What about feedback to parents?
I have used this system for 5 years now and I don’t have any issues about parents approaching me. The kids will tell their parents if they have reached 10 bees and received their ‘prize’ and I have found generally that they will let their parents know if they have ‘lost’ a bee for a negative behaviour.
I hope this has given you something to think about as you go back to school or something to consider for next year!
Click HERE to go and download my new updated Be Rules posters – Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Fair from GoogleDocs.
Thanks once again Christina for having me 🙂

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